Pregnancy, Post natal care and Acupuncture
Pregnancy is a time unlike any other in a woman’s life. The body nurtures the growing foetus, providing it with strength and sustenance, guiding its journey to independent life. It is an extraordinary and magical process and one that is both physically and emotionally demanding.
Acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy may help to make it a calmer, healthier and more enjoyable experience.
Acupuncture can be used from conception through to delivery it may provide relief for a range of pregnancy related symptoms and can assist in providing a calming and healing space for women at this transformative time.
Please contact us if you have any questions about how Acupuncture may be able to help you in pregnancy. We are more than happy to have a chat and answer any questions you may have.
Pre birth Acupuncture
Brook and Nicola have designed a beautiful program of weekly acupuncture leading up to the birth of your baby starting from 36 weeks. During the sessions we take care of the body as well as the mental space, in preparation for birth.
During these pre birth sessions we encourage partner involvement including instructions for practical and supportive techniques that can be used during labour and delivery. We demonstrate a whole range of useful acupressure points for labour and have an in depth discussion about emotional support strategy’s for both parents during labour and during the post natal period.
Post natal Acupuncture
Pregnancy and childbirth can be the most exhilarating time and also the most draining. Once our babies have made their way into the world it’s easy to forget about everything else, including ourselves!
Many Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) texts state that a woman should rest for at least one month to recover from this depleting experience. In our modern society the idea of a month’s rest often considered unattainable. We can take some inspiration from this idea though, rejuvenation of the body's resources so we can better help ourselves and in turn our beautiful new babies.
Acupuncture can offer some valuable peace and recovery during this most demanding time on your body. If you would like to know if Acupuncture could help your specific issues post natal please don’t hesitate to contact us either by calling the clinic or sending us an email. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Home visits
We know how hard it can be getting to appointments with a newborn. Our personal challenges with this inspired us to offer an in home Acupuncture service for post natal mums requiring Acupuncture treatment. This service is also popular with patients who cannot attend the clinic due to other illness or injury. Please contact us if you would like to find out if this service could be right for you.